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外出不怕没网络 脸书开放寻找WiFi功能!-beat·365

时间:2024-12-31 08:37:01

  本文摘要:It could be the answer to many users prayers. Facebook has launched a new feature to show users where their nearest wifi hotspot is.这有可能是许多用户仍然保佑的东西!Facebook日前发售了一项新功能,可以表明离用户们最近的WiFi热点。

It could be the answer to many users prayers. Facebook has launched a new feature to show users where their nearest wifi hotspot is.这有可能是许多用户仍然保佑的东西!Facebook日前发售了一项新功能,可以表明离用户们最近的WiFi热点。Called Find wi-fi it shows users a map with the nearest access points mapped.该功能被称作搜索Wi-Fi,需要以地图的形式向用户表明周围的WiFi热点。

Today were beginning to roll out Find Wi-Fi everywhere in the world on iPhone and Android, Facebooks Alex Himel said.Facebook公司的亚历克斯·伊梅尔回应:“从今天起,我们就不会在全球发售搜索Wi-Fi,还包括苹果和安卓两种版本。”We launched Find Wi-Fi in a handful of countries last year and found its not only helpful for people who are traveling or on-the-go, but especially useful in areas where cellular data is scarce.“去年我们早已在几个国家试运营了搜索Wi-Fi,找到它不仅对那些旅行或者出外的人很有协助,而且在缺少数据的地区特别是在简单。

”Find Wi-Fi helps you locate available Wi-Fi hot spots nearby that businesses have shared with Facebook from their Page.搜索Wi-Fi需要协助你定位附近能用的WiFi热点,这些热点都是商家企业在其Facebook主页上共享的。So wherever you are, you can easily map the closest connections when your data connection is weak.因此,无论你身在何地,当你的数据相连弱时,你都可以精彩寻找最近的WiFi。

The Next Web speculates that Facebooks push to improve its Live feature may be behind the new service.据Next Web推断,Facebook发售这项新的服务的目的有可能是为了提高该网站的直播功能。



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