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【bet356体育在线】苹果推出新应用 专治手机上瘾

时间:2025-01-10 08:37:01

  本文摘要:Apple has unveiled digital wellbeing tools to help people reduce the time they spend glued to their screens.苹果公司发售了一款数字身体健康工具,以协助人们增加沉迷于手机的时间。

Apple has unveiled digital wellbeing tools to help people reduce the time they spend glued to their screens.苹果公司发售了一款数字身体健康工具,以协助人们增加沉迷于手机的时间。A new app called Screen Time will offer iPhone and iPad users a dashboard highlighting how much time they have spent using which apps, how many notifications they receive, how often they pick up their device and how their usage patterns compare to the average.这款取名为“屏幕时间”的新应用于面向的是苹果手机和苹果平板电脑的用户,将不会用数字仪表板的形式表明出有用户用于哪一款应用于消耗了多少时间,用户接到了多少个通报,以及他们拿起手机的频率,还有他们的用于模式和平均水平的对比。The app also lets users set daily time limits for individual apps, and a notification will be shown when the time limit is about to expire. Parents will be able to access their children’s activity reports from their own devices to understand and manage their browsing habits.这款应用于还让用户设置单个应用于的每日用于时间下限,时间慢到时会发出通知。

父母将需要在自己的手机上采访孩子的活动报告,理解和管理孩子的网页习惯。“Some apps send us flurries of notifications trying to draw us in for fear of missing out,” said Apple’s senior vice-president of Software Engineering, Craig Federighi, speaking to a 6,000-strong audience at WWDC, Apple’s annual developer conference, at the McEnery Convention Center in San Jose on Monday. “For some of us it’s become such a habit we don’t even recognise just how distracted we’ve become.”苹果公司软件工程高级副总裁克雷格·酬劳德里吉在全球开发者大会上对6000名听众说:“一些应用于因为惧怕用户错失内容,不时地发送到通报来更有我们。


Screen Time will be available with iOS 12, the latest version of Apple’s mobile operating system, which launches later this year.“屏幕时间”应用于将不会经常出现在苹果新一代手机操作系统iOS 12上,该操作系统将于今年晚些时候公布。Other digital wellbeing features to launch with iOS 12 include enhancements to the “do not disturb” feature, including a bedtime mode that dims the display and hides all notifications from the lock screen until prompted in the morning.随iOS 12一起公布的其他数字身体健康软件还有免除睡觉功能的Ultra,还包括可以调暗屏幕并隐蔽锁住屏上的所有通报直到用户晨起查阅的睡眠中模式。The new operating system will also let users control how notifications are delivered to reduce interruptions, including the ability to group together notifications or turn them off completely. Apple’s virtual assistant Siri will also make suggestions for notification settings based on which alerts people act upon.新的操作系统还能让用户掌控通报发送到方式以增加睡觉,还包括给通报分组或几乎重开通报。

苹果的虚拟世界助手Siri将基于用户看见通报后的反应明确提出关于通报设置的建议。The focus on digital wellbeing comes at a time when technology companies including Facebook, Twitter, Google and Apple are being scrutinised for their use of habit-forming design practices that encourage people to spend more time on their devices, such as infinite scrolling, notifications and other behavioural “nudges”.公布这些数字身体健康软件的当口,正值脸谱网、推特、谷歌和苹果等技术公司因为让用户成瘾的设计手法而拒绝接受审查。

这些设计希望人们花上更加多时间用于手机,比如不时翻看滑动页面、没完没了的通报以及其他促成用户看手机的小伎俩。Apple’s tools are very similar to those announced by Google last month at its own annual developer conference, Google I/O. The latest version of Google’s mobile operating system, Android P, also comes with an “app dashboard” which allows users to set time limits on individual apps as well as a wind-down mode before bedtime that stops notifications and turns the screen to greyscale.苹果的这些新的软件和谷歌上个月在自己的年度开发者大会——谷歌I/O大会上宣告的新功能十分相近。

谷歌最新版的手机操作系统安卓P也具有让用户设置单个应用于用于时间容许的“仪表板应用于”,以及在睡前暂停发送到通报和将屏幕徵成灰色的退出模式。The company also doubled down on its commitment to privacy with the introduction of tools to prevent advertisers from tracking users of Apple devices from being tracked online.苹果公司还加倍推崇维护用户隐私,引入一系列工具,以避免广告商在线追踪苹果手机的用户。In a direct swipe at Facebook, Federighi explained how “like buttons and share buttons” and comment features can “be used to track you whether you click on them or not”.酬劳德里吉给了脸谱网当头一棒,说明了“点拜按钮和共享按钮”以及评论功能是如何“被用来追踪你的,无论你否页面了这些按钮”。“This year we’re shutting that down,” he said, adding that people can interact with these features if they choose to, but they won’t be tracked by default on an Apple computer if they use the native Safari browser on the next version of its desktop operating system, macOS Mojave.他说道:“今年我们要中止这种追踪,”并补足说道,人们可以自由选择用这些功能展开对话,但会在苹果电脑新版桌面操作系统macOS Mojave配置文件自带的Safari 浏览器上被追踪。

The company is also clamping down on a technique called “fingerprinting” which allows advertisers to identify and track individual web users based on the unique way their computer is set up, including the device, operating system and fonts they are using.苹果还将压制一种取名为“指纹识别”的技术,这种技术容许广告商基于每台电脑的独有设置,还包括装置、操作系统和字体,来辨识和追踪个人网络用户。“Put simply, there are two big classes of tracking: cookies and fingerprinting,” said Dr Lukasz Olejnik, independent security and privacy researcher and consultant. “It appears that Apple has set a goal to go after all techniques that may be used in third-party tracking. It’s an arms race and I believe Apple may be winning.”独立国家安全性隐私研究员和顾问卢卡什·奥勒杰尼克博士说道:“非常简单来说,追踪技术主要有两种:cookie文件和指纹识别。看上去苹果公司早已奠定了目标,要杀掉所有有可能被用作第三方追踪的技术。




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