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时间:2025-01-24 08:37:01

  本文摘要:If you dont quite fit in among the morning people or night owls, well, you might soon have your own, more relatable, sleep category.如果你既不是讨厌那时候的人,也不是“夜猫子”,那么你有可能迅速就不会有一个更加合适自己的睡眠中类别。

If you dont quite fit in among the morning people or night owls, well, you might soon have your own, more relatable, sleep category.如果你既不是讨厌那时候的人,也不是“夜猫子”,那么你有可能迅速就不会有一个更加合适自己的睡眠中类别。Now, researchers propose two more so-called chronotypes: the afternoon person and the napper. A chronotype is defined by the time of day a person is most alert and sleepiest.现在,研究人员明确提出了另外两个睡眠中时间类型:午后为首和午睡为首。

睡眠中时间类型是由一个人每天最精神状态和最犯困的时间来定义的。A group of researchers in Belgium created and distributed a short online survey to over 1,300 people, ages 12 to 90, asking them questions about their sleep habits and tiredness levels throughout the day. They then analyzed the results in collaboration with a group in Russia.比利时的一组研究人员设置了一份结尾的在线调查,告知参与者全天的睡眠中习惯和疲惫情况,有1300多名12岁至90岁的人参予了该调查。之后,他们与俄罗斯的一个的组织合作分析了结果。

They found that indeed there were 631 people who fit into one of the two well-known night and morning categories. While larks are wide awake in the morning and sleepier as the day progresses, owls are just the opposite.他们找到,显然有631人归属于众所周知的晚睡型或那时候型。“百灵鸟”在早晨十分精神状态,然而随着时间的流逝更加受困,而“猫头鹰”则恰恰相反。But they also found, based on the wakefulness-sleepiness answers, that there were 550 participants that fell into one of two other groups, the nappers and the afternoon people.但是,他们还找到,根据这些参与者对于精神状态和犯困时间的问,有550人归属于另外两组:午睡为首和午后为首。

Of all the chronotypes, afternoon people wake up the sleepiest and then they become alert around 11 am, staying that way until about 5 pm, after which they get tired again. The nappers wake up alert and stay alert until about 11 am, after which they get really tired until about 3 pm. After 3 pm until about 10 pm, they are alert and productive again, as was first reported by Psychology Today.在所有的睡眠中类型中,“午后为首”的人醒来时是最困的,上午11点左右他们不会显得精神状态,仍然维持到下午5点左右,之后他们不会再度深感疲惫。“午睡为首”的人醒来时后就是精神状态的,直到上午11点左右,之后他们不会显得十分疲乏直到下午3点左右,正如《今日心理学》杂志最初报导的那样,下午3点过后,以后晚上10点左右,他们仍然精神状态而且高效。Still, the remaining 30% of participants didnt fall into any group.不过,只剩30%的参与者并不归属于任何一个群体。

Recognizing these categories is important because some people can benefit from [an] afternoon nap and, you know, the conditions for an afternoon nap are not very good in the modern society, said lead author Arcady Putilov, a neurobiologist at the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. Maybe if the nappers, for example, took a quick 10-15 minute snooze during the day, their performance would increase, he told Live Science.研究报告的第一作者、坐落于莫斯科的俄罗斯科学院高级神经活动与神经生理学研究所神经生物学家阿尔卡德·普季洛夫说道,辨识这些类型之所以最重要是“因为一些人可以从午睡中受益,而且你告诉,在现代社会,午睡的条件不好”。他对趣味科学网站记者说道,如果午睡型的人白天很快用10到15分钟的时间打一个盹儿,他们的效率或许就不会提升。The authors also found that the results, for the most part, held true in men and women, in both day- and night-shift workers and in all ages. There were some slight differences in age, such as older people tended to fall more into the nappers group.研究者还找到,研究结果在相当大程度上对男性和女性都限于,也限于于倒班的人,而且限于于所有年龄段。

年龄上只有一些微小的差异,比如老年人往往更好地归属于“午睡”型群体。The scientists reported their findings May 27 in the journal Personality and Individual Differences.科学家于5月27日在《性格与个体差异》杂志上公开发表了他们的研究找到。



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