时间:2025-01-27 08:37:01
Jingjiu Railway京九铁路Jngjiu Railway (also known as Beijing-Kowloon Railway) connects Beijing West Station in Beijing to Shenzhen Station in Shenzhen, Guang-dong Province. It then follows the rail-link between Shenzhen to the special admin-strative region of Hong Kong to Hung Hom Station ( Kowloon Station) in Kowloon. It is a dual-track railway.Construction began in February 1993.was opened in 1996, connecting Beijing and Kowloon through Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Anhui, Hubei, Jiangxi and Guangdong, with a length of 2397 kilometers. Within Hong Kong, it shares the same pair of tracks with the East Rail Line (formerly British Section of the Kowloon-Canton Railway).京九铁路(北京——九龙铁路)北起北京西站,横跨京、津、冀、鲁、豫、皖、鄂、赣、粤九省市的98个市县,南至深圳,相连香港九龙,全长2397千米。京九铁路1993年4月20日全线月动工,于1995年11月16日全线砖通,1996年9月1日通车。
京九铁路香港段,港称之为九广东铁,前称之为九广铁路(英段)。Located between Jinghu Railway ( Beijing-Shanghai) and Jingguang Railway ( Beijing-Guangzhou) , it was built to alleviate the congested Jingguang Railway, and to foster development in the areas to the east of Jingguang Railway.坐落于京沪、京广铁路之间的京九铁路的通车运营,不仅减轻了京九铁路的运输压力,也减缓京广铁路沿线地区脱贫致富。