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时间:2024-11-02 08:37:02

  本文摘要:Apple and its biggest supplier Foxconn are together pledging to build solar power plants to produce more than 600 megawatts of electricity, in a big step towards making the Chinese factories that produce the iPhone run entirely on clean energy.苹果(Apple)和其仅次于供应商富士康(Foxconn)联合允诺要修建太阳能发电站,发电能力多达600兆瓦。

Apple and its biggest supplier Foxconn are together pledging to build solar power plants to produce more than 600 megawatts of electricity, in a big step towards making the Chinese factories that produce the iPhone run entirely on clean energy.苹果(Apple)和其仅次于供应商富士康(Foxconn)联合允诺要修建太阳能发电站,发电能力多达600兆瓦。此举将让生产iPhone的中国工厂朝着几乎靠清洁能源运转迈进一大步。

As part of a new Apple initiative, Taiwan-based Foxconn — the world’s largest contract manufacturer — has committed to building solar capacity of 400 megawatts in China’s Henan Province by 2018.作为苹果明确提出的新倡议的一部分,富士康允诺将从河南开始,到2018年建设400兆瓦太阳能项目。总部坐落于台湾的富士康是全球仅次于的合约制造商。“Foxconn has committed to generate as much clean energy as its Zhengzhou factory consumes in final production of iPhone,” Apple said.苹果回应:“富士康致力于生产更好的清洁能源,相等于其郑州工厂生产iPhone的能源消耗。”At the same time, Apple said it would build 200 megawatts of solar projects, spread across China, to offset the carbon produced by its supply chain in the region, where much of the electricity is produced from coal.同时,苹果还回应将在中国各地建设多达200兆瓦的太阳能项目,以抵销其在该地区的供应链产生的碳排放。

该地区的许多电力都来自煤炭。“Climate change is one of the great challenges of our time, and the time for action is now,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive, in a statement on Wednesday. “We believe passionately in leaving the world better than we found it and hope that many other suppliers, partners and other companies join us in this important effort.”周三,苹果首席执行官蒂姆錠克(Tim Cook)在一份声明中回应:“环境变化是当今亟待解决的挑战之一,现在是时候行动起来了。我们对让世界更为幸福的愿景充满著热忱,也期望更加多供应商、合作伙伴和公司重新加入我们,共同努力。

”Apple said its Chinese operations were now carbon-neutral after the completion of a 40 megawatt solar project in Sichuan province, and that altogether its plans would by 2020 offset the equivalent of 4m passenger vehicles per year.苹果回应,其在四川建设的40兆瓦太阳能项目现已完成,这些太阳能装置使苹果在中国的运营超过碳中和。该公司还回应,到2020年,这些新项目协助中国增加的温室气体污染,相等于近400万辆客运车辆停运一年。Terry Gou, founder and chief executive of Foxconn, said the two companies “share a vision for driving sustainability”.富士康创始人兼任首席执行官郭台铭(Terry Gou)回应,两家公司都“享有可持续发展的愿景”。“I hope that this renewable energy project will serve as a catalyst for continued efforts to promote a greener ecosystem in our industry and beyond,” he said.他说道:“我期望这一可再生能源项目能沦为业内增进绿色生态系统发展的催化剂。



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