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时间:2024-11-18 08:37:02

  本文摘要:Scientists from China, Sweden and the United States have developed a high-yielding rice that can reduce methane emissions, a major greenhouse gas blamed for global warming, from paddies。

Scientists from China, Sweden and the United States have developed a high-yielding rice that can reduce methane emissions, a major greenhouse gas blamed for global warming, from paddies。来自中国、瑞典和美国的科学家研发了一种新型高产水稻,同时还能增加甲烷的获释量。甲烷是水稻产生的导致全球气候变化的主要温室气体。

By inserting a barley gene into rice, Sun Chuanxin and his colleagues created SUSIBA2 Rice, which stores more starch in the section of the rice above ground, according to a paper published on the latest issue of Nature。公布在近期一期《大自然》杂志上的文章讲解,通过将大麦基因植入水稻中,孙传及其同事研发了SUSIBA2型水稻,这种水稻将更加多的淀粉储存在根部以上的稻穗中。

This means the grains will have more starch while the root will exude less nutrients that will later be turned into methane by microbes in the soil, Sun, who works with Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, told Xinhua。这意味著稻谷能有更加多的淀粉,而增加通过根部获释到土壤中的养分,这些养分不会被土壤中的微生物转化成为甲烷。瑞典农业科学大[微博]学华人科学家孙传告诉他新华社。It solves two major problems mankind faces at one time: environmental degradation and the need for increased grain output, Wang Feng, co-author of the paper from Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, told Xinhua。

“这样一举两得:既解决问题了环境的好转问题,又符合了粮食产量减少的市场需求。”论文年出版者、福建农业科学院王锋告诉他新华社。Wang said the rice can cut methane discharge by more than 90 percent during summer and more than half during autumn, as the rice displays a greater emission reduction effect in high temperatures.王锋称之为,这种水稻在夏天能增加90%的甲烷获释量,秋天能增加50%。

“温度越高,该水稻对甲烷的获释量有更佳的减少起到。”Meanwhile, small-scale trials have also suggested an increased output: a single plant of the new breed has 300 more grains with a starch content 10 percent higher, Wang added。同时,王锋还讲解道,小规模的试验指出还能减少产量:新型水稻每株能产300多粒稻谷,淀粉含量比常规水稻多10%。

Wang said the team is working on applications for the breed in different areas, seasons and using different farming techniques. It’s still far away from mass application, but at least we see the light of hope.王锋讲解,他的团队正在将种子应用于到有所不同的地区、有所不同的季节以及用于有所不同的耕作方式。“目前距离大规模推展还很很远,但最少看见了期望的曙光。”Human-induced methane, though less abundant than carbon dioxide in the air, is responsible for 20 percent of the global warming effect. Rice paddies are the largest single source of methane linked to human activity。人类活动导致的甲烷虽然在空气中的含量不及二氧化碳,但全球温室效应却有20%来自甲烷。

水稻则是人类活动产生甲烷仅次于的单一来源。According to the Ministry of Agriculture, China produces 209 million tonnes of rice in 2014, or 28 percent of the world’s total of 734 million。根据农业部数据,中国在2014年生产2.09亿吨水稻,占到世界总产量7.23亿吨的28%。



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